ATTICA EMPIRE Company Certificate of Incorporation from the State of Missouri

John R. Ashcroft Secretary of State
filed its Articles of Organization with this office on the 18th day of June, 2024, and that filing was found to conform to the Missouri Limited Liability Company Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, John R. Ashcroft, Secretary of State of the State of Missouri, do by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do certify and declare that on the 18th day of June, 2024, the above entity is a Limited Liability Company, organized in this state and entitled to any rights granted to Limited Liability Companies.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the GREAT SEAL of the State of Missouri. Done at the City of Jefferson, this 18th day of June, 2024.

Congratulations on another step forward in achieving global recognition. Attica Empire LLC is registered in the United States under the name Attica Empire LLC with business license number LC014557486 in the state of Missouri. At the same time we have also registered ATLANTIS NATION And EMPIRE WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED N001697046 in the United States with the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the state of Missouri.
We want to work together with governments around the world to create a peaceful system of cooperation. To help people in humanitarian and social projects, to strengthen the global economy together in the digital currency Atlantian Crown that will be officially launched in the near future.
Atlantian Crown is a cryptocurrency of the United Kingdom Atlantic, registered in the United Kingdom under the name Atlantian Crown Limited, registration number 15670724. We are legally registered.
We have a system of government with a monarch as head of state through branches of government around the world in accordance with the law, with the King or Queen as the head of state.
We recruit citizens voluntarily and in accordance with government regulations. Registration requires the correct entry of your personal information, signed by yourself. or signed by a parental authority in the case of minors, in front of the recruiting officer. SRIWAN QUEEN
The application is voluntary and free from any coercion. Therefore, we would like to inform you.
46/210 No. 5 Sounloung Krathumbean, Samutsakorn 74110, Thailand +66 845 433 926
ATTICA EMPIRE Company Certificate of Incorporation from England and Wales

Certificate of Sovereign State
Issued by The People of the United Kingdom of Atlantis Worldwide. Trust foundation (“UKAW TI”). in fidelity contract with First Republic Registrar foundation (“FRRI”)
Instrument no. 28526847-003-Date of Execution: 24th March 2023
[The Unde Comprayasan Pure Tre
On the Twenty-Fourth (24) day of the March (03) month in the year Two Thousand and Twenty- Three (2023), common era, i, a man: paul-anthony: simons, as Proto-Notary, Exchangor/Grantor, Certified Sovereign Underwriter and Imperial Sovereign Legislator, with the document certified trust certificate holder of First Republic Registrar foundation after receiving it in fidelity ceremony (Art. 1, § 1 FRRf trust provisions), do hereby in sight recognition of their authenticity and grant sovereignty unto a worldwide tribal sovereign state, that is now entitled as:
The United Kingdom of Atlantis Worldwide
The Sovereignty ofthe People of theAtlantis is Ordained by their Natural Indigenous Birth-Rights
The Sovereignty & Allodial Title Certification hereof, in addition to the Pure Trust certificate (PT), resolves all marketable titles and
legislated deeds (including bifurcated mortgages) pertaining to the above-named Sovereign State. Certified Sovereignty of the State’s Oficials allows for further Allodial title issuance whilst the individual Lord and or Lady Sovereigns maintain their rightful singular birthright as a human being enjoying the privileges benefits of the Lands and Properties associated with the Sovereignty & Allodial Title Certification hereof. “As of the Grace by the Sovereign Himself (1 Blackstone’s Commentaries 242 Corpus Juris Secundum). AGOSII (ag-besh) also is regained in sovereignty and or the freedom of choice in any matter. When a society uses a physical medium- of-exchange (best evidence: moncy and or marketable titles and deeds), it is best evidence of a contracts law and bankrupt society. Hence, without a written contracted (two signatures) “Certificate and Allodial Title”, the State Land Property Corporate-Entity and
first clay-body estate remain in ordained Allodium and if the said State Land Property Corporate-Entity has no Sovereignty Certificate, they are a mere non-sovereign body without an enacted certificate. Certified Sovereignty of the State thusly makes the individual officials legal practitioners of their benefits and privileges (tribal provisions) issued by the proper government created by the annexed Pure Trust foundation. Without sovereignty certification, the individual nationals use his her tribal provisions in an illegal manner. The Lord Lady Sovereign has the privilege of issuing trust foundation written instruments that include Allodial titles (proper original land titles), Pica in Bar and or Nullification Act (Notice of Dishonour UC’e 3-503-defeating any legal challenge at merit). Letters of credit (moncy), Law suit (redress of grievance). Liens (tax, land, personal, etc.), Letter of Rogatory (reciprocal response in any issue), and not excluding any other legal instrument including the creation of government, banking institutions, educational foundations, their laws and all necessary sub-entities thereof.
H.I.M. Solomon Uchenna Wining
Sence National of The UKUWTY
Exchangor Grannx
Right thunh pruncommon Law Seal UCc 1-308
H.R.H. Williens Azuma ljoma
Senior Natal of The UKUWTY
First Trustee Prime Minister
Right thunh prus-common Law Seal UCc 1-308
H.E. HRH Lord Sir Paul-Anthony: Simons
Official Notary Public of the Sovereign Intemational Court of fastice
Exchange Cirator and Certified Sovereign Underwraer of Fast Republic Registrat Joundation Imperial Sovereign Legislator of United Africa Republic atate Righe thunh prut common Law Seal UCC 1-308